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Autumn Lawn Care Guide

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash When autumn rolls around it’s time to start prepping your lawn for the fall and inevitable winter. There...

Preparing Your Plants for Autumn

When the summer heat is still blazing and the sky is still sunny, it can be hard to convince yourself that autumn is coming. Sadly,...

Maintaining Your Lawn When it Gets Hot

In the spring it’s easy to feel inspired to work on your lawn and keep it well maintained, but when the middle of summer hits and the...

Outdoor Plant Diseases to Look Out For

Plant diseases can come during any season, but most of all, they thrive in the heat and humidity of summer. Diseases can destroy entire...

How to Have Fresh Fruit all Summer Long

Gardeners often plant vegetables so that they can grow their own food, but what about fruit? Fruit is delicious. Fresh fruit is even...

Why is my Grass Dying?

Photo by Chris Zhang on Unsplash It’s around this time of year when we often see lush, green lawns start to grow brown and dry. This can...

Best-Suited Flowers for Shaded Gardens

All gardens can look beautiful, but not all gardens are going to look the same. You need to plant flowers that are suited for the...

Tips for Dealing with Dandelions

Dandelions are one plant that you see absolutely everywhere as soon as the weather starts to warm up. They have their uses—as do many...

Common Weeds to Look Out For

A single weed, if ignored, has the power to destroy a whole garden. It’s vital that you know what to look for so that you can catch weeds...

Spring Clean Up

Be it a small suburban backyard, or a massive yard in the country, everyone’s lawn is going to need a little work to prepare it for...

5 Tips to Start a Vegetable Garden

Growing a vegetable garden can feel so rewarding, but it takes patience and care. It’s all worth it when you get to eat food out of your...

Getting Your Yard Ready Before Spring!

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash Guess what?! We’ve officially crossed the midpoint of winter! That means that it’s time to start...

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